JellyCake Swap

1 min readMay 18, 2021

JellyCake Swap is a strategic fork of Goose Finance running on BSC (Binance Smart Chain) with significant modifications in the token economic model and contract structure.

Rather than re-invent the wheel, JellyCake Swap will try to create and experience new features for existing DeFi protocols build on the BSC chain.

We are now proposing a historic yield farming mechanism that allows perpetual price increase with a sustainable and profitable farming yield with a timelock contract at launch, and liquidity lock!

Our idea is to create project that will last for a long term, our mission is not to scam people but to make you WIN. It is not easy job to do but besides hope we have also experience. We make sure we will not disappoint our growing amazing community and that we will achieve our goals together. We will try to let you farm our token with highest possible APR.

Token Name: JellyCake Token
Total Supply: 5,000 (It might change)
Max Supply: Unlimited

Check our Docs for Contract Audits and more

Website: (Reveal soon)

Official Launch Date — ??

